Friday, 24 August 2018

What to Do if Your Child Gets the Flu

According to traditional Chinese medicine, post-illness recovery lasts for at least a year, and there is a great chance of getting complications from improper and untimely treatment. Immune system requires time and recovery resources.Pharmacies in kitcheneris one of the most popular places when it comes to getting the right medicines. 

There are two main mistakes that are allowed during this period.

The child is sent to the kindergarten or school sickly or with untreated infection and the parents themselves go to work in a state that makes them more complicated and complicates the treatment. Or after a period of home treatment, the child quickly returns to the kindergarten/school and so the body easily succumbs to a new encounter with the viruses.

Inappropriate treatment or self-medication - with prolonged use of nasal drops or unjustified early involvement of antibiotics and antihistamines, overuse with antipyretics at a slight increase in temperature, conceals the vicious circle of the so-called "often-sick child".

What should we do when a problem with frequent lacerations and illnesses occurs in children?

Nervousness is inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by secretion and nose obstruction, which rarely encompasses the lining of the pharynx and the paranasal cavities. Very often the start of these problems is putting the child in a childcare facility and falling into a team. In this environment, rhinoviruses (by air or in contact with the skin) are spread, as other infections on the inflamed mucous membranes and other complications occur.
Parents usually take the child to a doctor with complaints of an abnormal runny nose, often accompanied by coughing (due to secretions in the throat). This condition may last for weeks or alternate episodes of improvement and deterioration. According to pediatricians, it is normal for pre-school children to have 8 to 12 respiratory infections per year, and this practically means every month. As unpleasant as symptoms of colds, they play an important role in building the child's immune system. In this way, in contact with the cause of the disease, it is "trained" in a natural way, not with the help of vaccines. Most often, this process ends at the age of 7 or when entering puberty.

What is best to do with the first symptoms?

It is best to use the recommend naturalremedies.
If you experience the first symptoms of an oncoming cold disease (sneezing, tingling in the nose and throat, clear runny nose), you should start using some medications.

The gargle is also a very good tool - it is applied every 2-3 hours using a chamomile, thyme or sage tea. It is also very useful to make a solution of half a teaspoon of Himalayan salt in a cup of lukewarm water.

Honey and propolis have a good antimicrobial and strengthening action, but they must be quality. Honey is not to be given before the child's first year!
Vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, A,and E, zinc) enhance immunity and have a detoxifying effect, helping the body to fight infection and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

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